Trademark, Published!

Today, March 31st of 2020, my trademark was published. I am so excited!! This is definitely a learning process. Not just applying to have my logo trademarked, but the logistics of being a business owner, and staying on top of paperwork, sales, marketing, and most importantly, networking. The process took me 6 months. A representative from the trademark office reached out to have me clarify some parts of my application to complete the approval process. Of course, I was scared of the unknown. I even thought maybe I should hire someone to look over my application. But, I pushed through and finished by myself. Thank you to the representative at the Trademark Office. She was very kind, understanding, and reassuring. And also, thank you to Kelliebrew. I double check with her about everything and she is always there and willing to help! Granby 8 is another step closer to being a well-known brand. Check out the link below!

Unitl next week.........

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